
Dimensions Briefing on Mental Health Detention of People who have a Learning Disability and/or Autism

Houses of parliament

Here we share our detailed thoughts on the Mental Health Act white paper.

The Current System

The Proposed Reforms to the Mental Health Act

Criteria for detention under section 3 of the MHA (detention for treatment)

The application of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) under Mental Capacity Act 2005

Criteria for detention under section 2 of the MHA (detention for assessment)

Systemic Issues Preventing a Reduction in Mental Health Detention of People who have a Learning Disability and/or Autism

Discharge planning

A duty on commissioners

Enhanced rights for the individual

To find out more about Dimensions and our work, please explore this website or contact our Public Affairs Manager, Andie Gbedemah: alexandra.gbedemah@dimensions-uk.org


  1. Reference Table 3, Learning Disability Services Monthly Statistics, December 2020, NHS Digital
  2. Reference Table 12, Learning Disability Services Monthly Statistics, December 2020, NHS Digital
  3. Stopping the Over Medication of People who have a Learning Disability, Autism or Both (STOMP), NHS England and Improvement
  4. LeDeR 2019 Annual Report, Learning Disability Mortality Review, 2020, University of Bristol
  5. Reference Table 12, Learning Disability Services Monthly Statistics, December 2020, NHS Digital
  6. Reference Table 8, Learning Disability Services Monthly Statistics, December 2020, NHS Digital
  7. Reference Table 6, Learning Disability Services Monthly Statistics, December 2020, NHS Digital
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