In light of the recent incident in Southport, where three young girls tragically lost their lives and others injured, the country is going through a period of unrest, triggering a spate of violence and riots taking place in parts of the United Kingdom.
The way in which people of colour are being targeted and made to feel unwelcome and unsafe is abhorrent and entirely unacceptable.
Here in Dimensions, 26% of our workforce identify as being from a BAME background, and we support many people from BAME backgrounds too.
We stand in solidarity with everyone we support and employ, and their families.
Everyone should feel safe, be listened to and respected, no matter what their race, colour, disability or background; you are not alone.
We have published guidance internally for our colleagues on how to keep safe, and an easy read material for the people we support. Together we are stronger, and we stand in unity with everyone from a BAME background.
Rachael Dodgson, Dimensions Chief Executive