
“A gloriously ordinary life”: spotlight on adult social care

Houses of parliament

The House of Lords Adult Social Care report endorses Social Care Future’s vision for care:

At Dimensions we support people to live ordinary lives and be part of their community with choices and opportunities just like everyone else. The report says:

The Lords committee is a huge 148-page effort, with lived experience at the core of its 685 references, 8 pages of witnesses and 30 recommendations including people we support at Dimensions.

We welcome its call for the Government to commit to a more positive and resilient approach to adult social care based on greater visibility for the whole sector, as well as greater choice and control for disabled adults and older people and a better deal for unpaid carers.

It asks the Government to:

1) Make adult social care a national imperative by:

2) We want to see people who draw on care having the same choice and control over their lives as other people.

3) A system that is not based on the assumption that families will automatically provide care and support for each other because no other choice is open to them.

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