Who can commit a hate crime?

Anyone can commit a hate crime
Sometimes people are nasty and sometimes people pretend to be nice. It is important you are aware of people who could commit a hate crime and what to watch out for.
Sometimes hate crimes are committed by a stranger. This is somebody you don’t know.
A stranger might call you names in the street, or steal something from you, or hurt you.
If a stranger does anything that you aren’t comfortable with, hurts you or scares you it is important you tell someone you trust.
People who pretend to be your friend
Sometimes hate crimes are committed by people who pretend to be your friend.
Some people might be very nice to you when you first meet them, but then they might start doing things you aren’t comfortable with.
Friends should never do anything that you aren’t happy with, and if they care about you they will try not to do it again.
People who are pretending to be your friend might damage things you own, ask to borrow things or money and not return them or steal things from you.
People who are pretending to be your friend might start saying things that upset you. Or they might start doing things to you or asking you to do things to yourself that you aren’t comfortable with.
People who care for you
Sometimes hate crimes are committed by people who are supposed to care for you.
If somebody who is supposed to care for you starts taking your things or money, or saying or doing anything that upsets you then they might be abusing you.
It is important that you are happy and comfortable around the people who care for you.
If you aren’t it is important to tell somebody you trust. Somebody who treats you with kindness and wants what is best for you.
Not everybody is dangerous
This does not mean you need to be scared of everybody. There are a lot of good people in the world.
People who treat you well, make you happy and look after you are good people.
People who treat you how you want to be treated are good people.