For Young Adults Leaving School & College

Dimensions works with individuals, families and professionals to support a personalised transition into adult housing and support. People like Edward, Indy, Paul and Jack.

Help for Families

In this video, families describe their loved one’s transition to supported living, and we provide some guidance for families now in this position:

Dimensions’ Approach

Our approach to transition planning follows the four pathways of the ‘Preparing for Adulthood’ guidelines set out by NDTi and the Department for Education.

We want the people we support to live to fulfil, ordinary lives. This means having healthy relationships, a healthy lifestyle and living increasingly independently within their local community. We’re able to support almost anyone to live alone or with a few housemates in supported living.

In some places we work with the local authority, NHS and development partners to create bespoke housing, such as Highgreave, which will act as a stepping stone to more independent living.

We have worked with a wide range of experts with lived experience of transition to produce a free guide for families, carers, and professionals to understand the journey from child to adult services, and what support is available.

You might also find our transitions checklist handy – download it and stick it on your fridge!

Download our free Transitions guide for families, carers and professionals via the link below.

Download our Transitions guide here.

The Process of Transition Support for Young Adults

At Dimensions, we tailor everything we do to the individual, however, the process of each transition generally follows similar steps:

  1. We involve the individual every step of the way and make sure they and their family are involved in each part of the process.
  2. We complete a robust assessment to ensure we understand every aspect of the individual’s needs and what they want to achieve. From this, a transition plan is created.
  3. Regular visits can be made by the individual to our accommodation and support options, to get to know the service team and begin to socialise with others.

Outcome of Transition Support for Young Adults

We want young adults with a learning disability or autism to achieve a successful transition to adulthood, which includes:

  • The individual is at the centre of the planning process.
  • They will make informed choices about their transition.
  • Acquiring independent living skills.
  • Connection to their local communities.
  • Engaging in good-quality education, employment, and training.
  • Having good physical and mental health during and after the transition.

Helpline for Families

Because we know that many families want to hear from other families, we have set up a helpline staffed by our family consultants: all people whose loved ones have been through transition (and not all of whom are supported by Dimensions.) The line is open from 9:30am to 1:30pm, Monday to Friday. Ask them anything.

Phone 0300 303 9161 or email:

Help Us Understand Your Transition Experience

Dimensions are currently researching Transition, to better understand the experience of the young adults at the centre of it alongside all those around them: families, colleges and local authorities. We’ll publish everything we learn to help make #bettertransitions for everybody.

If you or your loved one have been through transition in the past 5 years, or you are a relevant professional, please complete our survey here.

Find out more about our transition support near you: