Daily support for daily living
So what does it feel like, to be supported by Dimensions?
We hope you’ll feel that we’re in your corner.
You’ll be at the centre of your own support plan – that means, we work with you to get the most from your support hours.
Some things are probably important for you (like managing your finances or staying healthy) whilst others may be important to you (like staying out late, getting a job or making friends.)

Supporting you to live as independently as possible is really important, and we’ll work to give you the skills for this.
Whatever your priorities, we’ll help you make it happen.
Working together, as a team
Your family, loved ones and others in your circle of support know you better than anyone. We’ll work as a team with the people you trust, to get your support right.
You’ll be involved in all the decisions about you. And if you don’t use words to communicate, we’ll find other ways to help you get your point across.
Wherever possible you and your family will have the chance to be involved in recruiting and training your own support team.
If you’re living with other people we may combine some of your support hours (this is called shared support.) Together with core support (which is just for you) this means we make the very most of the hours available to the household.
Where you’ll live
You’ll probably live alone or with a handful of housemates in supported living – that means you’ll have your own front door, your own tenancy, you’ll receive Benefits and you’ll pay your own bills. Just like Edward, Jackie, Jamie and Zoe.
We support a few people to live in small registered care homes. Your experience of our support should be the same.
And if you live with your family we may be able to give you outreach support to enable you to live your life – your way. Just like Elliot, Namaan, Stuart, and Jonathan.
Supporting your independence
You’ll be able to draw on our support to gain important life skills. From personal care to travel training, and from shopping, cooking and socialising to getting job-ready, we’ll set you up to shine in life.
Like we said – we’re in your corner.
To find out more about the support we offer in your area, click the button below: