Resources for professionals and services
ARC England has developed resources for social care services and domestic and sexual violence services. These are free to download.

Download the guides
Guide for Social Care Services
ARC England Us Too Project Guide for Social Care Services
The PDF guide contains:
- A short introduction to the Us Too project and what we learned.
- An introduction to domestic abuse.
- How domestic abuse impacts on women with learning disabilities, autism or both, and what makes it more likely.
- Approaches to reduce domestic abuse.
- Information on what to do if it is happening.
- A model policy for learning disability, autism or both and Adult Social Care (ASC) services on domestic abuse.
- Sources of support and other resources.
Guide for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Services
ARC England Us Too Project Guide for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Services
This PDF guide has information about:
- The Us Too project and what we learned.
- An introduction to learning disability and autism.
- How domestic abuse impacts on women with learning disabilities, autism or both.
- What do women with learning disabilities, autism or both want from DA/SV services?
- Accessibility and communication.
- Sources of support and other resources.
These guides have been developed by ARC England for their Us Too campaign.