Resources for people with learning disabilities and autism
We have some resources from ARC England about domestic abuse and sexual violence for women with a learning disability or who are autistic. The resources can help you if domestic abuse or sexual violence is happening to you, or if you think it might happen in the future.
This is a video made with and for women with learning disabilities in the UK. It describes what domestic violence is and tells women how they can get help.

These resources can help you if domestic abuse or sexual violence is happening to you, or if you think it might happen in the future.

Click on the text below to go to the links.

Easy Read Escape Plan. This link downloads a document.

Sexual abuse self-help guides for victims, survivors, friends and families by SARSAS. This link takes you to a website.

Easy Read Sexual Consent Guide. This link downloads a document.

For more information please get in touch with ARC England at