Easy Read: About the campaign

The Dimensions My GP and Me campaign believes that by training doctors we can help stop people with learning disabilities dying too young.

Some people with learning disabilities die 29 years younger than people who do not have learning disabilities.

Sometimes they die from health problems that could have been fixed earlier.

We found that many people with learning disabilities and autism do not feel their doctor listens to them.

Some people do not feel they get the reasonable adjustments they need.

Reasonable adjustments are small changes that can help make a service more accessible for people.

We are happy that a lot of the doctors we asked agree that they need more training.

The Dimensions My GP and Me campaign is helping to teach doctors about learning disabilities and autism.

We have provided free resources and training about:
learning disabilities,
how healthcare isn't fair
and what they can do to help.

To write the free resources and training we worked with healthcare professionals.

To write the free resources and training we worked with support teams and family carers.

To write the free resources and training we worked with autistic people and people with learning disabilities.

You can find lots of information and resources on our My GP and Me webpages.

Most of our My GP and Me campaign webpages are in easy read too.

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