Eady Read: How to get the most from your appointments

There are some things you can do to get ready for your appointment with the doctor or nurse.

Sometimes you will need to tell the doctor what reasonable adjustments you need so you can get the most out of your appointment.
Reasonable adjustments are small changes that can help make a service more accessible for people.

You can also help the doctor or nurse by getting information about your health and wellbeing ready before the appointment.

Sometimes it can be difficult to answer a question at the time so having this information ready will help you too.

Start to think about this information in plenty of time before your appointment and write it down.

It also helps to write down times and dates when you felt that something was wrong and what was happening at that time.

If you use communication aids or prompts you can take these to your appointment.

You can ask for someone to go into your appointment with you. This is called a chaperone.

You can ask the GP surgery staff to tell you what will happen on the day or to use our social story template.

Ask if they have information in the best way for you to understand like easy read, big words or braille.