Easy Read: Your right to reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments are small changes that can help make things more accessible for you.

They are your legal right.

Reasonable adjustments are individual to you, and there will be changes that doctors can make which aren’t listed here.

Here are some ideas to help you go to your healthcare appointments.

Ask for a double appointment. A double appointment means that you will have longer with the doctor or nurse.

This extra time can help you relax and give you more time to talk to them and make sure you are comfortable with any checks or tests that you need.

You can ask for your appointment to be at the start or end of the day when it is less busy.

You can ask the receptionist when is the quietest time of day for that practice.

You can ask for a quiet area or room to wait in.

Asking for a quiet place where you can wait is a good way to help you relax when you arrive.

They might not have space for this, but try asking for one when you make your appointment.

You can ask someone who works at the GP surgery to collect you when it is time for your appointment.

You can ask for easy read information and social stories.