Easy Read: Preparing for your appointment

You can get ready for a blood test or vaccine appointment at home with someone you trust.

It is important to understand what is going to happen and why.

Try practicing by using a syringe which does not have a needle in it. This is called desensitisation.

You can try role playing with someone you trust. One of you pretends to be the patient and the other one pretends to be the doctor or nurse giving the injection.

This can help you understand what will happen and when.

It can also help you to understand where the needle will go.

You can ask the healthcare professional for some changes to make the experience of having a blood test or vaccination better for you.
These are called reasonable adjustments.

You can ask to have your blood test or vaccine at your GP practice.

You can ask the people who work at the GP surgery to provide you with information about what will happen on the day and at your appointment.