Easy Read: Vaccinations

A vaccine can stop us getting ill from some viruses like COVID-19.
A vaccine helps your body learn what a virus is. This means your body will know how to fight it off and stop you getting ill.
All vaccines are tested to make sure they are safe for people.
If you can have a vaccine it is important you get it.
This is what happens at a vaccination appointment.
When you arrive at your appointment you will be asked to confirm some details about yourself like your name and address. This is so they can check you are the right person,
The nurse or doctor might ask if you are allergic to anything.
The nurse or doctor might ask if you if you are ok with needles.
When you are ready they will clean your skin.
They will then inject you with the vaccine.
They will tell you when they are doing this.
Tell the doctor or nurse if you are worried about the pain.
You might be asked to sit in the waiting room for 10 – 20 minutes.
This is so they can keep an eye on you and make sure you are safe.