Easy Read: Preventing constipation

Some simple changes can make a big difference in stopping constipation from happening.
Have a balanced diet with enough fibre, fresh fruits, vegetables and grains.
Get regular exercise and activity.
Make sure that you are moving and changing positions throughout the day.
For people in a wheelchair being supported to stand can help.
Drink enough water. You should drink 6 to 8 cups of water a day.
By drinking enough water poo is kept soft and is easier to pass.
Give yourself enough time to use the toilet.
Ignoring the urge to have a poo can lead to constipation.
Some medication can cause constipation. Talk to your doctor or a pharmacist if you are worried about this.
When you need to have a poo use a toilet you are comfortable with. The squatting posture is best. You might need a stool to help you sit in this position,