Sign the petition

Join our call to increase social care staff pay

Every day thousands of social care and support workers undertake complex delegated nursing tasks. They work to understand and tackle the causes of distressed behaviour. They support people to make choices and gain control over their life. They maintain family relationships, help with friendships, support with employment and personal care. They are skilled, professional workers.

In the past three years a typical sales assistant has gone from earning 13 pence per hour less than a care and support worker to 21p more. This shift is having a huge impact on people’s career choices.

Amidst the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, many skilled care and support workers are moving to better paid roles elsewhere. This has resulted in 165,000 job vacancies across social care.

Without a social care workforce, both the care sector and the health sector cease to function. Right now, government must take workforce issues in social care seriously.

To reverse this issue, Dimensions’ petition calls on the public and social care sector to unite in a call for government to benchmark and fund minimum care worker pay at NHS Band 3.

Sign the petition now