New year, new sensory garden is the hope of our team in Bath
By Charlotte Brazier, Volunteer Storyteller

As Dimensions staff and the people we support make the 15-mile sponsored walk from Bath to Bristol this Friday, they’ll have something a little unusual to shield themselves from the bracing November wind.
“We’ve got every kind of onesie you can think of,” laughs assistant locality manager of the supported living scheme, Emma Venn. “I’ve drawn the short straw and ended up with a bright orange parrot!”
The funds raised from the walk will be put towards creating a sensory garden for people we support at their supported living service in Bath, some of whom are deaf or blind.
With hopes of installing stained glass windows, light-up cubes and fake grass, the plan is to provide a place where the people we support can relax and engage with the environment around them.
“At the moment, it’s just concrete out there,” Emma explains. “They don’t really have anything to do, which is a shame as we’re passionate about encouraging everyone who lives here to live life to the full.
“We’re planning to install chimes and provide musical instruments, so they can use all of their senses to enjoy their time outside.”
The people we support at the service have had a large say in the design of the garden.
Their history, and the history of those supported before them will be poignantly weaved into the outside space, with lavenders and bright colours symbolising people supported in the service previously who have since passed away.
Reflecting on her own 15-year history with Dimensions, Emma explains that working her way up from a support worker to her current position as an assistant locality manager has made her truly passionate about creating something special.
If you would like to sponsor the team, you can donate through their JustGiving page here.