We support people with learning disabilities and autism in their homes.

You might need a lot of support. You might live as part of a group.
We call this a residential service.

You might need to have more choice and control in your life.
We call this supported living.

You might be supported along with a group of people living together.
We call this shared supported living services.

You might be supported to live on your own.

You might have a landlord. Your landlord looks after the house where you live. Your landlord will make sure your house stays in a good condition.
You can ask staff for details.

If Dimensions is your landlord, there is a document that tells you what your rights and responsibilities are.
This is called a License to Occupy or a Tenancy Agreement. You should read this carefully.

No matter what type of house you have we will support you to make it like your own home.

This guide is about what the Housing Team does to help you as a tenant in a Dimensions owned home.

This guide is about what the Housing Team does to help you as a tenant if you live in a home owned by a private landlord.
Download Tenants' Promises for tenants who live in a private Landlord property

This guide is about what to do if you are unhappy in your home.

Find out about what Dimensions will do for you as a tenant.
Download What Dimensions does about giving people homes and tenancies

Find out about your rights and responsibilities as a tenant in a Dimensions Owned Property

Every year we publish a report that talks about the housing service Dimensions provides. The report tells you how happy tenants are with us, what we have done and how we are going to get better.