
Dimensions values you as you

We are delighted to have launched two new resources to help us further our commitment to promoting equality, celebrating diversity and ensuring inclusion at Dimensions.

The first resource is this short film which features a number of our colleagues and showcases our central belief around equality and diversity – that Dimensions values me as me. The video seeks to emphasise that everyone with the right values is welcome to work at Dimensions, regardless of where they come from, what they believe, who they love or what their personal situation might be.


The second resource is this new brochure which sets out and explains our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, and which also summarises the data we have on the demographic make-up of our workforce.

Chief Executive Steve Scown has welcomed the launch, saying,

“The new resources will help with our key objectives to celebrate the diversity of our colleague team and help us become really representative of the communities we serve at every level of our organisation. These are objectives which seem especially pertinent in the light of the Black Lives Matter movement and Pride Month and, as I hope you know from my previous messages and blogs, they are objectives I feel very strongly about.

“At Dimensions we value all our colleagues equally, not despite their demographic differences, but because of them! Each and every one of us is unique and different to everyone else, but these differences are what makes us human and, as such, we are all equal.”

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