Now government must regulate sleep-ins

Steve Scown, Chief Executive of Dimensions, said: “Today, the Supreme Court has clarified the law and established that sleep-in shifts aren’t covered by Minimum Wage regulations, thus avoiding the imminent prospect of provider failure.

“Despite this decision, Dimensions will ensure that none of our skilled support workers are worse off as a result.”

“Erroneous government guidance, and silence since we first raised this with government in September 2015, have resulted in over five years of confusion.”

“We are meeting with DHSC on Monday to ask for two things: First, for government to bring sleep-in shifts into pay regulations and provide ring-fenced funding accordingly. Second, for government to commit to transparency, starting today, on progress against its manifesto commitment to a new plan for social care.”

“We particularly urge Local Authorities not to knee-jerk and withdraw funding in light of the Supreme Court decision; those that do will force many providers to make unpalatable decisions around support worker pay, resulting in more skilled carers choosing to leave the sector.”

“I’m optimistic that both DHSC and BEIS understand the gravity of the situation. The government must now get off the side-lines and address the issue through legislation and funding.”