Rachael Dodgson responds to the Skills for Care State of Care report

Yesterday, Skills for Care published data showing a small but welcome reduction in the number of care staff leaving their jobs last year. But we still have a vacancy rate three times that of the wider economy and will need an additional half a million care roles by 2040 to meet rising demand.

Photo Rachael Dodgson
Rachael Dodgson, Dimensions CEO

Whilst these pressures could, in part, be addressed by the government’s Fair Pay Agreement mentioned in today’s Employment Rights Bill, we are still in the dark about whether it will be funded, and I’m concerned that this could take thirty months or more before it is introduced.

The average wage for a care worker is £11.58 an hour – just 14p above the national living wage and less than a typical McDonald’s worker. This really matters.

Imagine the anxiety of coming home to strangers who will need to support you with personal care. Imagine the frustration of becoming trapped at home because your new support worker doesn’t drive. Imagine becoming distressed because your agency support worker doesn’t know you, your likes, dislikes and triggers.

Anxiety, frustration, distress and a bad life are direct results of successive governments closing their eyes, ears and minds to social care reform. We need to see the government grasp the nettle and bring about immediate improvements to pay for the sector, ahead of the Fair Pay Agreement.

Rachael Dodgson, Chief Executive