Urgent call for action on social care reform

Following the government’s announcement of social care reform plans, industry leaders and politicians have voiced their concerns. Rachael Dodgson, CEO of Dimensions, expressed both frustration and concern, highlighting that while care sector leaders were supportive of the government’s efforts to redesign the social care system, their support came with significant reservations.

Photo Rachael Dodgson
Rachael Dodgson

Rachael noted that Labour had ample opportunity while in Opposition to formulate a National Care Service since its initial proposal in 2010, yet it had not done so. She raised worries about the state of the social care system by the time long-term plans are expected to be revealed in 2028, especially given the ongoing challenges like funding issues stemming from last year’s National Insurance changes.

She called for immediate collaboration between Labour and the sector to achieve meaningful progress, emphasising the need for fair pay and sustainable funding to ensure high-quality support can continue for vulnerable individuals in society.

Read the article from Care Home Professional in full here.