Edwin has black belt in determination after karate success

Staff in Barnet, North London, are feeling inspired after Edwin, one of the people we support, passed a high-level karate assessment with flying colours.

Edwin impressed the team after achieving his 2nd dan black belt, also known as ‘Nidan’, in karate. The honour is awarded to those who have mastered the technical requirements of this advanced level over a period of at least two years. And it’s an even greater cause for celebration after Edwin showed incredible determination by retaking the assessment when he wasn’t successful the first time.

Edwin was delighted to get his 2nd dan black belt or ‘Nidan’ certificate

His support worker, Bernard Hennin, says:

“Since I started supporting Edwin in 2015, he’s been saving up to attend the karate training camp, which is organised by the Karate Union of Great Britain. It’s something he’s been doing for a long time. He didn’t quite reach it the first time, but he practiced hard and went back at Easter this year – and we’re all really pleased for him.”

Bernard supports Edwin for two hours per week, he helped to arrange train tickets to Devon so that Edwin could travel alone. He believes the sport has had several benefits for Edwin, adding:

Along with his karate, Edwin – who lives independently in his own flat – is also an accomplished musician. He sings, plays the keyboard and even writes his own pop songs, which he uploads to YouTube. Bernard adds:

“Edwin is very independent. He’s been through a lot in the last few years, and I’m proud of him. In fact, I’ve nominated him for a Dimensions Achievement Award. I’d love to see him do his karate one day.”

By Charlotte Brazier, Volunteer Storyteller