
An interactive health workshop by One Life Suffolk

health checking

A supported living service in Suffolk enjoyed an interactive health workshop recently ran by local charity One Life.

The people we support thoroughly enjoyed the workshop

The charity’s aim is simple – they want to help local people live healthier lives.

Nick from the charity put on the workshop to raise awareness of the impact the foods we eat have on our health and general well-being.

It consisted of fun, interactive games and activities that were enjoyed by both the people we support and staff alike.

At the end of the workshop, everyone had a health check – their blood pressure, weight and height were all taken to indicate if people needed to make healthier choices.

One Life also offered a free six-week weight loss course for people across Suffolk over the coming year which many of the people we support were keen to sign up to.

Everyone came away from the event feeling motivated and with improved knowledge of the simple changes we can all make to our diets to maintain our weight and feel better in our daily lives.

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