
Surprise celebration for model support worker Tracey


Every day around the organisation our staff are achieving incredible things. Most humbling however, is that many don’t see these achievements for what they are. For them, they’re just coming into work and doing their jobs.

But exemplary staff should be recognised – and one such member of staff, Tracey Clark, recently reached her 35 year anniversary with Dimensions. As a result, her colleagues at Newton House in Bath got together to throw her a long-service surprise celebration.

Tracey joined is as a support worker back in 1984. She started her career in social care helping out in a care home whilst in-between jobs and discovered that she absolutely loved it.

She said “My favourite moment of my career to date was just a couple of weeks ago. I supported two young people to a SUM 41 gig. One of the ladies I supported was so excited – she said it was the best day of her life!”

The mayor presented Tracey with a special award for long service

Tracey’s daughter Anastasia has followed in her mother’s footsteps to join us as a support worker and she is showing the same care and compassion in the role as her mother.

We would like to say thank you to Tracey for all your hard work and dedication supporting people with learning disabilities and autism to lead happy and fulfilled lives.

Whether they’re supporting someone on their first holiday, swimming lesson or even to make a cup of tea, committed and passionate staff like Tracey are an integral part of the support we provide.

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