What we do
In 1976, armed with a single phone in a rented office, Dimensions began supporting people out of institutions, helping them lead ordinary lives in their local communities. Dimensions was a pioneer of personalised support, enabling people to make more choices and so gain control over their lives.
Today we support people with learning disabilities and autistic people across much of the country to have a louder voice, choice and control in their lives. Our 7000 colleagues deliver ambitious, personalised support and housing, often with those whose previous support has not been successful.
Some of the people we support have forensic needs. Others may have histories of behaviours of distress, or complex health conditions. Some need us less – perhaps a few hours each week to help with finances, work or maintaining their home.
When co-producing a personalised support plan we work towards specific outcomes in the cornerstones of a good life: health, relationships, work, hobbies, having fun.
Working alongside our colleagues are health professionals, family members and many of the people we support. They could be quality checkers, interviewers or members of our Council. Guided by their experience and our values, we continue to achieve better lives – for more people.