Dimensions Activate – Experimental outcomes

In the research, on all measures of quality of life, the people we support who were in the experimental group improved more than those in the control group services.

The frequency and severity of behaviours of distress decreased, Active Support increased and staff satisfaction levels increased considerably.

Achieving standards

Activate chart 1
The standards set for each experimental service were very largely achieved.

Active Support


Activate chart 2
The proportion of Active Support went up from 45% to 60% in the experimental group; the control showed a marginal fall.

Quality of Life


Activate chart 3
Significant improvements were observed in meaningful activity.

Staff satisfaction

Staff in experimental group settings showed significant increases in job satisfaction and reductions in stress when compared with staff in control group settings.

The intervention was greeted positively by staff in the experimental settings, the families of people supported in the experimental settings and the professionals engaged with these settings.

Staff satisfaction is critical; through improved retention, it helps drive consistent long term relationships between staff and the person they support.

Other outcomes

In addition, the people we support in the experimental group achieved positive outcomes as judged by people who know them (such as family members and other professionals) in the following areas:

  • social skills
  • leisure skills
  • communication
  • self help skills
  • job skills
  • academic development
  • sexuality.

 Dimensions Activate 

Dimensions Activate methodology

Our Activate support model has won the 2015 Innovative Quality Outcomes Award.