You can make a complaint about anything that is making you unhappy.
You can make a complaint about people who are making you unhappy.
You can make a complaint about staff who you think have broken the rules.
A compliment is a way of saying you are really happy about something a member of staff has done.
You can share a compliment about anything that is making you happy.
You can share a compliment about a staff who are making you happy.
How we 'Ask Listen Do'
We may ask you for more information about your compliment or complaint.
How we 'Ask Listen Do'
We will listen to your feedback.
How we 'Ask Listen Do'
We will tell you what we will do or have done as a result of your feedback.
You can find out what Dimensions does when somebody makes a complaint in this Easy Read guide.
You can find out how to make a complaint in our guide called Making a Complaint or speaking out.
If you have made a complaint to us, you can complete Dimensions interactive easy read complaints satisfaction survey to let us know if you are happy with how your complaint was handled.
Download Dimensions interactive easy read complaints satisfaction survey
You can find out what Dimensions does when somebody makes a complaint by watching this accessible animation via this link:
You can find out how to make a compliment in our guide called 'What Dimensions does about sharing a compliment'