
For People with Complex Health Needs

Dimensions develops specialist autism and learning disability services for individuals. We help people with complex health needs to lead longer, fulfilling lives.

What are Complex Health Needs?

Many people with learning disabilities or autism have additional needs such as epilepsy, dysphagia or secondary mental health conditions. Conditions which are not life-limiting if managed properly. People like John, Karen and Katy.

And yet, across the UK, people with learning disabilities die on average around two decades earlier than their non-learning disabled counterparts. This must change.

Dimensions is an expert at supporting people with complex health needs

What do Dimensions do Differently to Support Complex Health Needs?

We provide specialist, personalised autism and learning disability services for people with complex needs all across the UK.  Our person-centred thinking tools help improve the quality of life for each person we support.

Our approach to supporting people is always bespoke to their needs. We passionately believe that good support around health and personal care is essential for a good life; often distress behaviour occurs because a person is not in good health.

Living in the right home plays a key part too.

When a person’s health needs are well managed, there is time and space for them to be more ambitious. There will be more opportunities to develop relationships, enjoy the community, seek work, to live an ordinary life just like anybody else.

We work hard to ensure the people we support are registered with their GP. That they have Personal Support Plans that include Health Action Plans, and schedules for regular, comprehensive GP-led health checks.

Dimensions are part of various learning disability services and groups, to ensure we are leading the way to better care. We actively support the NHS ‘STOMP’ programme to greatly reduce the use of psychotropic medication amongst people with learning disabilities and autism. And we are active members of the NHS LeDeR programme, to reduce the premature deaths of people with learning disabilities.

Find out more about our specialist autism and learning disability services for people with complex needs near you, click the button below:

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