Complex support needs?
So, you have profound and multiple learning disabilities, together with autism or complex health needs?
Or maybe your behaviour is described as challenging, when you’re actually distressed and frustrated?
We’ll be on your team.
However complex your support needs are, we can work with you and all those in your circle of support to help you get more out of life. Just as we’re doing with Jane, Karen, Barbara, Elliott, Maggie & Doreen.
We’ll become experts in you, starting with the way you choose to communicate.
We’ll discover and cherish your gifts and your abilities.
And of course, we’ll support you to stay safe. Your team will be specially trained in your individual needs and will work well with the health and other specialists around you.
You might like to know that Ambition is very important to us, especially if you have complex disabilities. We’ll support you, in whatever way makes sense to you, to gain new skills that will give you more choices and greater control over your own life.
You’ll live alone or with a few housemates in either supported living or a registered care home, whichever will work best for you.
If you’ve got a history of challenging behaviour – we understand that almost always, this is actually you saying that you’re distressed in some way. So we’ll call it a behaviour of distress and we’ll work hard to understand why you’re distressed and what we can do about it.
As we get to know you better, and support you in the way that you want, there will be fewer reasons for you to feel distressed.
Many people we support no longer show distress at all, in fact. Find out how in our Positive Behaviour Support topic area.
We can’t wait to meet you.
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