Questions and answers
ROC stars is a great way to recognise how people Dimensions and Discovery supports are contributing to their communities or helping other people. Here are some questions and answers to help before you complete your nominations.

What does ROC star stand for?
ROC stands for Recognising Outstanding Contributions. ROC stars are people we support who deserve to be recognised for their contributions.
Who is this award for?
This award is just for people supported by Dimensions and Discovery, or tenants. Anybody supported by Dimensions and Discovery can be nominated.
What can I nominate someone for?
People who have made a positive change in their lives or helped others are all ROC stars. This impact could be anything, for example, being someone to turn to, helping someone with shopping, having a great idea, overcoming a personal challenge, meeting a goal or even setting a goal and working towards it etc.
Who can nominate?
Anyone who knows one or more of the people we support can nominate them. You could be a member of the support team, work for Dimensions, a family member, a friend, a colleague or someone who they have made a positive impact on.
How many people can I nominate?
You can nominate as many people we support as you want. The form is always open, so you can continue nominating people for things they do in the coming months and years.
Can I nominate the same person more than once?
Yes, you can nominate people as many times as you want but it must be for different reasons.
The person I want to nominate needs to be anonymous, is this ok?
That is absolutely ok, please tick the box on the form to let us know. We will still personalise their certificate with their name but we will keep their story anonymous.
How can I nominate?
You can complete the online form or email
Visit this webpage to find out more and make your nominations.
Can you help me nominate?
Email if you need help to nominate.
What happens once I nominate people?
Once we have received your nominations we will get in touch with you or the contact you state on the form or in the email. We will tell you on next steps in the email:
- We will post the certificate and celebration award to the people you nominated
- We will publish what you said about them for Dimensions Group colleagues to read
- They will be put forward for the Change Maker award. This is a special award chosen once every three months
Will their story be published externally?
Not automatically – we will only publish what you said about them internally. But, there is a box on the form you can tick if you don’t mind hearing from our Marketing and Communications team. They will see the nominations with this box ticked and might choose to find out more so they can share the stories on Dimensions website, social media and possibly even with the press.
What are the Change Maker and Ultimate ROC star awards?
The Change Maker award is chosen from all nominations submitted within a three month period. A panel will choose the Change Maker once every three months. They will receive a special certificate and celebration award. This will be published for Dimensions Group colleagues to see and they will be put forward for the Ultimate ROC star award.
The Ultimate ROC star award is chosen by a panel once a year and they receive a special certificate and celebration pack. They will also be honoured with a personalised ceremony hosted by the Dimensions Council Chair with contributions from the Executive Team and a Board member.
Who is on the panel?
People on the panel might change throughout the awards, but we will always make sure there is a variety of people including people who have learning disabilities and/or autism themselves.
What if I want to nominate staff?
ROC stars are only for people supported by Dimensions. Staff have Aspiring People awards so you can nominate them by
It’s time to nominate your ROC star!
Are you already thinking of people we support who could be a ROC star? Nominate them and make them smile, it only takes a few minutes. And remember that the form is always open so you can continue to nominate people who ROC your world.