Keeping people safe
As an organisation supporting people with learning disabilities and autism we are committed to safeguarding people at risk.
We encourage all our colleagues and members of the public to raise any concern they have about the welfare and safety of people we support and anybody at risk of harm. You can do this by contacting us directly, the police, your local authority or our chief regulator:
Raising a safeguarding concern
In England, we are regulated by the Care Quality Commission – Tel.: 0300 0616 161 – Email:
In Wales, it is the Care Inspectorate Wales – Tel.: 0300 7900 126 – Email:
Our commitment to Safeguarding
The people we support deserve to live the life that they choose – a life that is safe and free from abuse. Find out what Dimensions does about abuse.
We aim to strike a balance between supporting people to lead independent, fulfilling and self-determined lives whilst managing the risks that they are exposed to as a result of their learning disability or autism.
Everyone connected to Dimensions should be confident that the people we support receive the highest quality of care in a safe and regulated environment. Our safeguarding policy reflects our commitment to be an exemplary organisation in all that we do, including how we respond to safeguarding issues.
Check out our safeguarding Factsheet to find out more about our safeguarding process and what steps you can take if you need to report a safeguarding concern.
Dimensions takes a personalised approach in how we respond to any safeguarding experience. Our staff have the knowledge, skills and confidence to address safeguarding issues.
Our recruitment, training and development approaches are informed by safeguarding experience. We actively encourage people to speak out loudly about the things that matter to them. Throughout this, we listen and we learn.
Safeguarding Panel
We have appointed an independent chair to our Safeguarding Panel. This makes us one of the few organisations to open ourselves up to independent scrutiny in this way.
The Safeguarding Panel reviews safeguarding incidents in order to embed learning across the organisation.

Alan is a Safeguarding specialist having chaired, managed and independently reviewed Safeguarding Boards. As a Social Worker, Alan has worked to support vulnerable people for many years but also has experience at a strategic level, including as Regional Director at Cafcass and chairing the Walsall Adult & Children’s Safeguarding Boards.
Alan has contributed as a Safeguarding expert to an enquiry into safeguarding failures in a national charity and works with Kent County Council as an Independent Chair and Author of Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews.
Further information
Respond ‘exist to lessen the effect of trauma and abuse on people with learning disabilities, their families and supporters’.
Victim Support ‘provide victims and witnesses with high quality emotional and practical support’.
Ann Craft Trust ‘A leading Uk authority on safeguarding adults and young people at risk’.
Social Care for Excellence (SCIE) ‘improves the lives of people of all ages by co-producing, sharing and supporting the use of the best available knowledge and evidence about what works in social care and social work’