Autism & Disability Referrals

Dimensions can start working with new autism and disability referrals as soon as your health authority or local authority has defined your care and support plan, along with your budget.

We work fast to safeguard NHS autism referrals, putting in place the resources you need to live independently, but with access to the right support when you need it.

That can range from a few hours a day for adult autism referrals with good levels of independence, to complex arrangements for people with autism who need some extra support.

Our person-centred approach

Our referrals enable us to implement our person-centred support plans, which we deliver to autistic people throughout the UK, improving opportunities and assisting individuals with distressed behaviours or who do not use speech to communicate.

The support we offer varies with each individual’s needs, to make sure that we have the best positive impact and promoting choice and control for each person.

Our team of expert support workers includes specialists who can tackle specific challenges, for example to help autistic people to find suitable accommodation.

Who we work with

Dimensions provides specialised support to people with learning disabilities, autistic people, distressed behaviours and other complex needs.

We are one of the largest not-for-profit organisations in the UK for the people we help, and we put those people and their families at the core of every action we take. We are driven by a desire to help people to live a great life, with maximum independence.

As part of this commitment, we welcome referrals of people from a wide range of different backgrounds, including:

Our Referrals Team works to assess adult autism referrals and manage the process of initiating support, creating personalised plans and ensuring that it is covered by sustainable funding arrangements.

We work closely with health providers throughout the UK, providing the autism referral NHS doctors need to safeguard patients with complex learning disabilities.

Alternatively, people can also request to be referred to Dimensions that health services may encounter from patients and their families or support network.

How our referral process works

Most of the people we support are referred to Dimensions either by the NHS or by their local authority. This includes the requests for self-referral for autism assessment that NHS health providers may receive.

Each NHS autism referral, local authority referral or self-referral for autism assessment is handled with care by our support workers, putting the person at the heart of a bespoke support plan.

We start with an initial screening to help us understand the level of support that is needed.

Every referral is unique and will be treated on its own terms.

How long does an autism referral take?

We understand that people who have been referred to Dimensions require support as soon as possible.

It’s also our priority to offer the right type of support for your needs. That’s why we treat every autism or ASD referral with our complete care and attention.

From the initial screening through to the delivery of your bespoke support plan and financial budget, we work to avoid any delay while communicating our progress to you at all times.

Complex cases may take longer in the information gathering stage, for example due to a need to observe the individual for longer, or because we need to speak to more stakeholders including parents, caregivers and health professionals.

But we will always work diligently to make sure that the end outcome is the best possible behaviour support plan for the person in need of care.

For more information about Dimensions’ support for people living with autism and learning disabilities, or to find out about self-referral via your healthcare provider, contact our expert support team today.